Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thoughtfully Thankful

     As I was doing my morning devotions today I came across an interesting scripture. It was one of those passages that really make you stop and think about just how mighty God really is.

    I Corinthians 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

     It is such a clear (real blunt) reminder of how absolutely PERFECT God is and how we need him so very much. According to this scripture the "foolishness" of God is still wiser than the smartest, most educated, well informed and wise person on Earth. And the "weakness" of God is still stronger than the most powerful, fit, muscular athlete ever. I'm sure most of us already knew this. I mean he is God of the universe after all. But if you stop and really think about it, acknowledging and letting it apply to your life isn't always so straight forward and easy.

     Have you ever been in a situation where you think you have it all under control? You think you know the right decision to make but for some reason everything keeps going wrong? Many times without realizing it, we try to handle things ourselves and accidentally push God out. I know with me, there have been times when I would hear God's "still small voice" and ignore it. Not because I didn't want God's direction, but because I was so wrapped up in my own understanding. I didn't recognize God's voice until later when everything had already fallen apart.
     Proverbs 3:5-6 says (5) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (6) In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. It's so important to make sure that in every aspect of our lives we are allowing God to speak His wisdom to us and give us His strength. Compared to him we are so weak and so unwise. We need to trust Him and lean on Him to direct our lives. His will is ALWAYS the very best place to be!

     Lord, I pray that today you help all of us to remember to come to you with our problems and decisions. Help us to seek you in everything that we do. You are so wise and strong and I know that you always have the perfect plan for our lives. Help us to remember that even when we mess up and don't listen to your voice that you are always there waiting to take our hand and help us through life's struggles. You are always there to help us pick up the pieces of the mess we've made and move forward. I'm so very thankful that you care for us and are there to take care of us. I love you so much God and I just want to please you. Amen.

~Bethany Bryen

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